Recuperative narratives, mediums, and creativities

Preparatory Materials

Session 1 - Performative 'healing' and/in Rehana Zaman’s Sharla Shabana Sojourner Selena

Maria Walsh

Session 1 - Healing the archived and the unarchived

Sena Başöz

Session 2 - Writing Histories through First-Person Narratives, Healing through Listening and Montage: ZAHIR

Özlem Sarıyıldız

Watch: Zahir, Constituent of a Two-Channel Video Installation; 11'24''; 2018; Germany Turkish with English and German Subtitles

ENG Stl: PW: borges

DE Utl: PW: borges

Session 3 - Healing by conjuring Chekhov's THE BLACK MONK

Marylou Bongiorno & Jerome Bongiorno

To read the short story and learn more about the film:

Session 3 - FilmMedicine 

Amy Hardie 

Child Carer. Mai Trans
Password: ma-thuong-con
The daughter, directing for the first time,  grew up with a mentally ill mother, and  uses the camera to explore their relationship. Focussing on moments normally overlooked, eating, knitting, walking, weeping, allow the film-maker to recognise  the paradoxical joy and generosity of the relationship.

Brain Storm.   Emily Beaney
A young woman  uses multi- sensory methods to bring us inside her experience of epilepsy.

Scarred body.  Eleni Evangeliou
What stories do our body scars tell of our lives, to our relationships?

Film Talk: Surpassing Disaster

Joana Hadjithomas in conversation with Pelin Tan

Moderator: Ahmet Gürata

Joana Hadjithomas’ film ISMYRNA (2016) will be available on (vimeo….) during May 31st & June 1st. You can also read Pelin Tan’s article on ISMYRNA at:

Pelin Tan, “Surpassing Disaster: Haunted by an Imaginary Smyrna.” e-flux 118, May 2021.

Etel Adnan: Impossible Homecoming, Pera Museum (April 6 - August 8, 2021), 3D Virtual Tour.

Session 6 - Affective stories, fragmented memories: a documentary on the posmemory of Italian immigration in Brazil

Kátia Hallak Lombardi

Link to the documentary (audio in Portuguese, subtitles in Italian):

Poetics of compassion: Visual poetry and co-creation in virtual opening spaces as self-care and community-care

Anna Wiehl

Corona Haikus curated website:

Corona Haikus facebook group:

Interview / Podcast with Sandra Gaudenzi and Sandra Tabares Duque on Kammerfilmmern & Mediales Rauschen: